Friday, February 15, 2008

Conferences and New Projects

Michael and I made the long trip from Oregon to Florida in time to make presentations on the University of Florida campus for Focus the Nation, as well as the SBS and NBB biodiesel conferences in Orlando. There were just a few minor hiccups along the way, like a windshield nearly blown off in raging California windstorms, a run in with the locals of "cancer alley" in Louisiana, and a fun day getting towed because someone airlocked the fuel filter while checking it. Of course, details will follow in longer articles.

I just returned from a quick trip to Spokane, Washington and back to Portland with the newest 'trekker mothership. I love her already. She doesn't exactly sprint up hills and her "horn" is probably one of the most unusual sounds I've ever heard, but she runs smooth and steady. And she's already been christened "Sunny" because of the bright beautiful day we had for the maiden voyage, and because she's destined to make good use of solar power.

In the next few weeks we will start the process of transforming Sunny into the Eco-RV she was born to be. There's a lot of work ahead, and the changes will be dramatic, so it's an exciting time. I'll be posting build photos as we progress.


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